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china invasion usa

Invasion USA: Biden and the Democrats Plan to Flood America With Foreigners. With Big Tech and Big Media also completely controlled by communist China, no American would be allowed to speak about the invasion … Prophetic Vision: Russia and China Invade When USA Is In Internal War and At Her Weakest (I share a vision the Lord gave me on Nov 29, 2019 about Russia and China nuclear attacks, another vision given Dec 13, 2017 and one given Aug 2014… about Invasions of Russia and China on the Nation. We previously reported on a very similar story that claimed Chinese troops were amassed in Canada and were planning to invade the U.S. That rumor was also false. In his book he described an invasion by China as “the most difficult and bloody mission facing the Chinese military.” PHOTO: SAM YEH/AFP/AFP/Getty Images US … Beginning in December 2020, conspiracy theorists published TikTok videos that warned the Microsoft search engine,, had confirmed an upcoming and successful Chinese invasion of the United States. Seattle immigration office shuts down over the coronavirus… how many more government offices will be forced to close? And the reason he thinks this is because of these solar farms, which are directly tied to the communist Chinese military. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Parler Email Print. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Hello Ken~ I visited your website for the first time today. “All personnel manning these planned plants would be affiliated with the Chinese military.”, “This includes the inland ports (e.g. A popular meme regarding the financial entanglements of Biden's secretary of defense used flawed numbers... A viral video supposedly showing a befuddled pianist and an offkey singer went viral. Some 5,000,000 soldiers were said to die China’s side of the war from 2020-2025. Subject: Rosie's Prediction--Invasion of US by China/Russia From: Date: Tue, October 3, 2006 3:43 pm To: Edotor . by Selwyn Duke December 3, 2020. The US has called China's latest warning "unfortunate", adding that tensions did not need to lead to "anything like confrontation". Cinta, a company that owns most of the solar energy farms throughout the American West, is merely a front for the Chinese military, according to Hodges. Many people are unaware of it, but communist China already has a foothold in the United States. In the occupied areas, Chinese control was mainly limited to highways as well as railroads and major cities . In short, “China invade USA” was not a special way to find top secret information, nor was it a key to find out what will happen in the future. In that video, Whitney Web was refencing a document that was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. As you put all of the pieces together, as Hodges has, it becomes clear that the solar energy scam was all a front for communist China. Dezember 1941, Kriegseintritt der USA, war er ein Schauplatz des Pazifikkrieges und damit Teil des Zweiten Weltkrieges. What takeover, you might be asking? OFF Remote Waterproof LED Home Wireless Doorbell 38 Songs Chime Door Bell US plug $20.28 . Tagged Under: Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of The fields of solar energy farms that blanket much of the American southwest are actually controlled and run by the Chinese military, in many cases, and one day these “sleeper cells” are going to awaken and carry out the rest of the takeover, reports a prominent analyst. China’s nascent amphibious forces still lag far behind those of the United States, but the speed of China’s military rise has already shifted the balance of power in Asia. The one that is right now being ratcheted up with the manufactured public outrage over George Floyd. Do McDonald’s Workers in Denmark Make $22 an Hour? Chinese paratroopers would parachute into the Taiwanese mainland. Did Actor Jay Johnston Participate in US Capitol Riot? Is China on the verge of attacking America with military force? He told her with full assurace that one day China would stage a massive military invasion of the USA. Some experts claim that China now has the military capacity to quickly overwhelm Taiwan. China threat: Taiwan aims US missiles at Beijing after imminent invasion plot exposed MILITARY tensions between China and US escalated further today, after a … DWN AKTUELL: Günstige Gelegenheit für Invasion? China’s National Health Commission has confirmed that more than 3,000 civilian medics have been infected, with more than a dozen deaths reported. One target within range of China's bombers is Andersen Air Base. The story ended without the Chinese being able to claim a “decisive victory”: By 2025 China had occupied much of Midwest and the west coast of the former United States, but the US provisional central government and military had successfully retreated to the eastern interior to continue their resistance, while the American guerrillas remained in control of base areas in the Appalachian mountains . Hello Ken~ I visited your website for the first time today. September 1945 dauerte. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Kansas City) which are controlled by the Chinese courtesy of the treasonous trade agreement we call NAFTA. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. It's not a military or army invasion, but an invasion of hearts and minds. They expected heavy losses, however the living soldiers would simply walk over the bodies of their dead comerades, and continue the battle. Als Zweiten Japanisch-Chinesischen Krieg (bzw.Zweiten Sino-Japanischer Krieg) bezeichnet man eine umfassende Invasion der Japaner in China, die am 7.Juli 1937 begann und bis zum 9. Eventually, according to this former Chinese employee, the Americans would eventually run out of bullets and the invaders would prevail as a … Directed by Joseph Zito. This does not include Russia, Cuba, the Arab League or any other nation that might choose to side with China in a military invasion of the USA]. The embedded content was nothing more than a search engine results preview of fiction writing from the Future section of the website communist China, deception, disguised, foothold, foreign troops, invasion, invasion usa, national security, President Trump, security, solar farms, TET Offensive, World War III. For us, we have to sail across the Pacific." assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. This video is completely bonkers. 9th, 2020. Is Franklin Graham’s ‘Urgent Prayer Alert’ About the US Equality Act Correct? Lesezeit: 4 min Facebook Twitter. This stalemate situation made a decisive victory seem difficult to the Chinese. The last Chinese invasion was during the Korean War when China sent military forces to battle UN forces in the Korean peninsula. NewsBlock_9AM_071620_HD1080_110.499_297. Many people are unaware of it, but communist China already has a foothold in the United States. It also said that Chinese leaders would join forces with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin. When I the saw the video from Crowhouse, I just had to share it. Were Black Children Used as Alligator Bait in the American South? In the video it states that China has gradually chipped away at Taiwan’s stability via military and hybrid means; a sudden, Crimea-style annexation of outlying islands; and a full-scale invasion. To keep up with the latest news about the Chinese communist takeover of America, be sure to check out “The Floyd murder has provided the Deep State an excuse to perpetrate rioting across America with the intent of promoting a helter-skelter race war designed to destabilize the country,” Hodges writes about the slash-and-burn approach currently being used to weaken the U.S. “These other groups will play a role in this phased attack upon America,” he adds. The US would lose a war with China fought in the Pacific, is unable to defend Taiwan from an invasion and fears the Guam military base is at risk now, US defense sources have warned. They did not have a major military or administrative presence in the vast American countryside, where American guerrillas roamed freely. The US is therefore vulnerable to nuclear attack by powers such as the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, and India. Militarily too paralyzed to challenge China directly, America send in irregular forces to continue resistance. A one-man army comes to the rescue of the United States when a spy attempts an invasion. US-China tensions: American troops not planning attack on Chinese territory, Beijing says Rumours of possible invasion began after US troops were seen wearing ‘drone over China… Communist China Has Already Invaded The USA, Stationed Troops Disguised As Security A new Chinese Air Force video depicts bombers attacking U.S. targets, and it includes scenes from a Transformers movie. Consequently, the United States severed its relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and formally recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1979. George Thomas. 11-29-19. Did Bing Confirm China Would Invade the USA. A U.S. Navy F/A-18C aircraft prepares to land on the runway of the U.S.S. China expert Dean Cheng at the Heritage Foundation says that "For (China), it's a 'home game.' China Invasion of USA. They would flood into the coast in the millions in massive wave after wave of invaders. China saw Alaska as a stepping stone for its conquest of the US with its limitless supply of raw materials, its manufactured goods, and as a protective staging ground against C… China has countered the arrival of a U.S. carrier group in the South China Sea by kicking off exercises involving "carrier killer" missiles and also naval drills that involve beach landings. Read: China’s great leap backward. The free world cannot afford to allow China to grab such technologies. after reading Rosie's prediction about a China/Russian invasion upon the U.S., I wanted to write and share a dream I had about 4-5 years ago. Communist China has already invaded the USA, stationed troops disguised as security at solar plant farms, says analyst, Antifa releases list of demands after capturing 6 blocks of downtown Seattle, Supreme Court ruling gives states the power to prosecute illegal aliens who commit identity theft, U.S. moves to block fighter jet deployment in the U.K. over Huawei “warning shot” to other countries: Report, Warfare in space: France has begun launching satellites armed with machine guns and laser weapons, Europe would have had MILLIONS of coronavirus cases if it did not close borders, finds study, Austria tightens border controls as coronavirus cases reach 2,000, Democrats NO LONGER screaming for open borders thanks to Coronavirus. At this point, it is getting hard to tell what the term "cancel" actually means. WHEN XI GOES HITLER: CIA PLOTTING DECEMBER 10, 2020, SURPRISE CHINESE ATTACK & INVASION OF AMERICA, ASIA, OCEANA, SOUTH AMERICA AND/OR SOUTH PACIFIC ISLANDS, LIKELY BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND/OR NUCLEAR IN NATURE (DECEMBER 9, 2020): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Chinese Attack and/or Invasion on December … It’s not a military or army invasion, but an invasion of hearts and minds. Likening the current situation to the infamous TET Offensive that was unleashed by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army back in 1968, the goal right now is to further deunify and splinter America to the point that a divide-and-conquer plan of attack can be quickly executed, bringing our country to its knees. Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about what he describes as the “chaos agenda,” and how it will be used to further strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights: Concerning America’s solar farms, China’s occupation of many of these facilities has created a landing zone, so to speak, where Chinese military men and women can quietly group together and plot the next step while posing as “security.” And most Americans are none the wiser as to what is transpiring right under their noses. by Joel Gehrke | December 11, 2020 01:52 PM Print this article. © 1995 - 2021 by Snopes Media Group Inc. 6172125100001. Nimitz aircraft carrier during a tour of the ship in the South China Sea on May 23, 2013. Here are some of the top brands and models from China to … Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States. Was the CPAC Stage Intentionally Shaped Like a Nazi Symbol? Invade USA?”, he argued that a 2019 treaty had allowed China to train its troops on Canadian soil over the last several months, suggesting that " … The best nation with a force and the determination to invade the mainland of USA was Japanese Admiral Yamamoto. China's Border Invasion Will Push India Toward the U.S. India’s long history of nonalignment is giving way to the threat of a shared enemy. This material may not be reproduced without permission. The influential evangelist published a widely shared open letter, warning followers about "a very dangerous... Did Lloyd Austin’s DOD Approve Contracts for a Company He Owns Stocks in? Related Chinese Spy Raised Money For Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, Planted “Intern” in His Congressional Office Source – The Blaze. I was so interested in what she was sharing, I had to get a copy of the document for myself. Be sure to read his full analysis at this link. It’s not a military or army invasion, but an invasion of hearts and minds. In 2015, a report estimated that Walmart’s trade deficit with China cost America 400,000 jobs between 2001 and 2013. The US can do the following to deter a Chinese invasion: First, it … Subject: Rosie's Prediction--Invasion of US by China/Russia From: Date: Tue, October 3, 2006 3:43 pm To: Edotor . In the videos, TikTok users directed viewers to visit to type in “China invade USA” (without quotes). “The solar energy deals that were put into place by Senator Harry Reid were done in conjunction with Chinese energy companies run by the Chinese military,” Hodges explains. However, the UK ... Another film that shows an invasion of the US was the 1999 film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut in which Canadian forces invade the main characters' hometown in Colorado. In theory, such a bird would also be able to both lay and fertilize eggs. China is engaged in a secret invasion of the US through unrestricted warfare. China’s Real Invasion of Taiwan Has Already Started. What if China invades and occupies Taiwan, a … Hal Brands. Did Biden ‘Erase’ Dr. Seuss From Read Across America Day? I sit down with retired US Air Force General Robert Spalding, who advised the Trump administration on China policy. Did a Virginia Public School System ‘Cancel’ Dr. Seuss? In 2011, 70 percent of Wal-Mart’s revenue came from products made in China. China hält merkwürdige Manöver ab, Taiwan verlegt Truppen - und die USA kümmern sich nur um sich selbst . I sit down with retired US Air Force General Robert Spalding, who advised the Trump administration on China policy. The invasion would then follow with PLA warships and submarines crossing the 80 miles of ocean between China and Taiwan. Again, all of this was a work of fiction. In a hypothetical world without US involvement, what could China do in a war against Japan? Russia took Attu Island. According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, the next phase of China’s “Red Dawn” invasion of our country involves escalating the number of domestic terrorist acts in order to destabilize the country and pave the way for the final solution. (Breck Dumas) The engagement was called off last year after the U.S. purportedly expressed concern. China is engaged in a secret invasion of the US through unrestricted warfare. June 1, 2020, 9:00 PM EDT 6:18. January 15, 2021 October 26, 2020 by Cynthia. The fictional story from claimed that 30,000,000 American civilians would die in an upcoming war, and that 7,350,000 U.S. military members would die. Every Government’s Dream. It’s true that entering the text “China invade USA” (without quotes) on will bring up the result seen in the image above. Prophetic Vision: Russia and China Invade When USA Is In Internal War and At Her Weakest Dec 14, 2019 8:58 PM Monique Bizet . China invaded Alaska outright in August 2020. The US allegedly retaliated by hitting an underground Chinese Invasion Base … In that video, Whitney Web was refencing a document that was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. … Hodges believes that America will soon be under direct military attack by communist China, meaning bullets and bombs targeted at American aircraft, both military and civilian. after reading Rosie's prediction about a China/Russian invasion upon the U.S., I wanted to write and share a dream I had about 4-5 years ago. More broadly, it might seem absurd that the U.S. would risk war with a nuclear power over an island on China’s doorstep. It is certainly smarter to deter a war than to fight one. “The real enemy of America is communist China. Thus, China’s infiltration of the vaccine manufacturers was necessary to cause mass casualties across US troops, while Canada’s prime minister would allow China to use Canada as an invasion staging area to threaten the United States from the North. China saw Alaska as a stepping stone for its conquest of the US with its limitless supply of raw materials, its manufactured goods, and as a protective staging ground against Canada and the rest of the United States. Former California Governor Jerry Brown was also in it, as he included the nation of China, as well as the Bank of China, in his CALEXIT strategy. "The Coming Collapse of China" author Gordon Chang weighs in on the Pentagon reports that China is training its military to strike the United States. By . 07-16-2020. When I the saw the video from Crowhouse, I just had to share it. And nearly all of the employees who work at these farms are Chinese soldiers who have gained a type of beachhead in our country, he says. China would not attack Taiwan if it realized that it could not win. Nach dem Angriff der Japaner auf Pearl Harbor am 7. All content posted on this site is protected under Free Speech. The question is what could actually cause the United States to fight China. As former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave tacit approval and participated in these actions which had their origins prior to her tenure as Secretary of State.”. confirmed that China was planning to invade the United States. After five months of fighting, the puppet state of Democratic State of Alaska was established in December 2020, with an Eskimo rebel chieftain Pung Hunni, installed as its puppet President. The fictional story began with an August 2020 invasion of Alaska: The chaotic situation in the US mainland after the surprise Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack provided excellent opportunities for further Chinese expansionism, US military forces is in disarray with the whole US power grid knocked out American strategic nuclear forces were paralyzed leaving the whole US mainland open to invasion. China's increasing invasion of South Pacific neighbours Solomon Island and Vanuatu could lead to a takeover of Australia, a former US Navy intelligence commander has warned. In a hypothetical world without US involvement, what could China do in a war against Japan? Guam is only 3,200 kilometers from Asia, meaning H-6Ks could fly circles over … And the main force behind the CHICOMS’ attack upon America will prove to be ISIS.”. Everyone talks about Tesla, but Chinese-made EVs are set to arrive in quantity in the USA and Europe in 2021. About 14 minutes in, the video host has one of her alleged intelligence sources tell her that China has downed an F-16 fighter jet in Michigan scrambled out of Wisconsin with particle beam satellite weapon. But there is a three-fold rationale for helping Taiwan defend itself. Every Government’s Dream. Der US-Militärexperte David Shambaugh von der George Washington University sagt, Chinas Militär habe schon fast alle Fähigkeiten für eine Invasion. January 15, 2021 October 26, 2020 by Cynthia. The chaotic situation in the US mainland after the surprise Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack provided excellent opportunities for further Chinese expansionism, US military forces is in disarray with the whole US power grid knocked out American strategic nuclear forces were paralyzed leaving the whole US mainland open to invasion. by Breck Dumas, December. ... playing up the incumbent Tsai Ing-wen’s friendly ties with the United States and Japan to suggest she was selling out Taiwan. However, the snippet on the right titled “Invasion of the U.S. Mainland” was not a confirmation or prediction of war by, nor was it a news story. China is engaged in a secret invasion of the US through unrestricted warfare. Does This Photo Show Half-Male, Half-Female Cardinal?

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